
Well, if you check out my instagram later, you will see that I've finished my first song on piano. It's a good day! 

I'm sitting in a hot-fish sauna with my running clothes on because I thought I'd better type before my ideas go away and I sit here and go--now what to say?

It's sort of an icky feeling, being hot and sweaty, in my book. Ok, I took off my cap. 

The fun thing about finishing a new song is when the melody sticks in my head. I love that! My piano is basic, but I don't care. I told Waz that my goal is to give a concert (someday) and play 1 song that I've written on piano. Which means, I'll have to be good enough and rehearsed enough and confident enough to do it, so that's a good goal. 

The ep got reviewed online at lamusiccritic.com I'll put the link on the home page here. Super exciting! And I'm on track to be interviewed for a music blog in a couple of weeks. 

OOH. my laptop's fan is working overtime. Opened the door. Still about 150 degrees in there so I just got out. Not worth hurting my laptop. 

Going back to LA soon to sing some more. Excited. Wonder if we'll start something new. It would be really cool. Kind of hard to get these eps out in an orderly and timely fashion, but whatever. 

My mudroom has been turned into a lounge. It had been taken over by legos, so this if of course more adult and calm, but I wonder if my daughter will still play/use the legos. That's the challenge of living with the phantom fred as he shall be called. I like kids to be kids, but he wants little sophisticated adults. Or so it seems. But maybe a bit of both is the way to go. 

Halloween was great! My son walked the whole way except had me hold him for a few minutes-he probably needed to rest--and he did have a great time, and my daughter's costume turned out so good and it was fun to help make it with/for her. I got a giant men's tuxedo shirt and cut it down. Now I want to wear it because I think it fits within my rules of wearing clothes I make (I still have not made exercise clothing, so I am not adhering to the rules rn,fyi.)

Trying to get my life done, the things I need to do done is a challenge, and a challenge to make money. I did finish a handbag for the local store. Want it to sell immediately! Because I need the cash. For my music/videos. 

Well, that means I should stop writing now and get cracking! I'm going to make a few scarves for the shop, too. I made one for myself and my Aunt-in-law and it passes my test....

I hope you are doing well, thought about your ancestors yesterday, and are looking forward to the beautiful month that is November. 



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