yep. this is overdue

Hi. Trying to type while listening to my friend Jesse tell me about his favorite bridge which is in Big Brother, a song by David Bowie. And we're listening to it at the same time, but yeah, gotta get to this post.

I have to admit. I love this song. 

In Silver Lake, and life doesn't get much better. My friends do live in Paradise and I am so grateful to be staying here. Soon it's off to the studio to work. Today I'm going to shred my voice, but only after I get the softy whispery stuff I also came to do. 

Jesse's getting me to put my bandcamp page up. I registered, but with the sheer volume of tasks in my cue, I never got to it, but Jesse swears by it and working side by side really helps. I can see that it will be cool, but there is time required to get it up and running. What will be cool is to add merchandise for my back I do have most of the silkscreens and can even make new stuff.

Recording yesterday went well, Ainjel's studio is just the perfect space to bring whatever it is I need to a session and Ainjel is an amazing vocal coach and can direct me. It's so great to have that trust. I felt a little rusty on some of the songs and sometimes I have to sing something a few times to get the muscle memory going. It's like doing a floor routine in gymnastics and doing the trick over and over again until it becomes automatic.

To not think and just channel. 

Being in LA is great. Had ramen noodles last night, then Thai with Jesse and Heather and their 5 chihuahuas. Jesse is a complete audiophile and his knowledge blows me away. He has his own small label called LA's Fine (also on Bandcamp). 

I wish I could stay here for a few weeks, but the kids are at home and so short stints are best. BUT, I might be able to get back soon because now I'm going to work a little harder to make things and have a pop-up shop December 8th. Maybe I need a short deadline and some pressure to force me to work at light speed-which it seems like I can do. 

Looks like next year I'll be relieved of doing out taxes, which is awesome. And the accountant is (I think) going to motivate me to spill less red ink on my artistic pursuits. 

OH. I know now why I didn't get to write last week. I did a craft with my son's class in the AM, which was great but hard. He's in the "severe and profound" class room at his school and so most of the kids are totally non-verbal. When I got in my car I cried a bit-it takes a special person to dedicate their lives to working with these children. As a parent, I get totally overwhelmed. 

Then, piano lesson. But there was something before that, too. 

well, it's too hard to type, talk to Jesse and listen to (now) this woman named Victoria who released two LP's in the early 1970s-Herbie Hancock played on this. 

Sorry. IS a post ;)



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